Emergency Preparedness


State & Federal agencies, as well as local agencies, have plans for times of disaster and emergencies. Gasconade County Health Department plans for public health emergencies, such as pandemics. Unlike fires or accidents, public health emergencies are often slower to develop and have an end that is gradual.

In addition to planning activities, GCHD participates in the Health Alert Network to receive and send messages that could impact the health status of county residents.



As seen is recent disasters in our country, the response from governmental agencies may take several days. It is everyone’s responsibility to plan for emergencies for themselves and their families. Whether it be widespread influenza, ice storms, floods or other disasters, individuals and families must be prepared to take care of themselves, It is impossible for local, state and federal agencies to address each individuals unique needs if the individual failed to prepare. If you or your child cannot leave your place of work or cannot return home or are told to evacuate, would you be ready?

There are many agencies that have information on how to prepare yourself, your family, and your business for emergencies.

Included in these is the Missouri Department of Health with the “Ready in 3” Program. The program includes three steps:

1. Create a plan for you, your family and your business
• Plan for 2 situations – staying home or leaving
• Prepare a shelter at home
• Know where to go if you have to leave

2. Prepare a kit for home, car and work
• Include basic food supplies, water, can opener
• Include items such as flashlight, batteries, medicines, radio, first aid, supplies
• Keep a small, portable supply kit in your car with items such as water, blanket or sleeping bag, first aid supplies, food, etc.

3. Listen for information about what to do and where to go
during an actual emergency

For more information on Ready in 3, click here.



Follow us on Facebook to receive updates on emergency preparedness!

GCHD Staff are available to do presentations on preparedness for your business or community organization. Please contact us at 573-486-3129.



Want to volunteer in the event of a public health emergency?
Please contact Gasconade County Health Department.



Show Me Response is Missouri’s Emergency System for Advanced Registration for Volunteer Health Professionals, which is a federal directive through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to support more efficient intrastate, state-to-state, and state-to-federal health care volunteer response. Show-Me Response provides readily available, verifiable, up-to-date information regarding a volunteer’s identity, professional license verification status, and employment information, as well as tools to notify and manage the activation of volunteers.