Water Testing

Testing Frequency

Property owners with private wells should submit a water sample from the well at least once every year (more frequently if the well was drilled prior to July 1987) and certainly whenever any changes are noticed in the water such as taste, cloudy, odor, etc. The water should also be tested after repairs have been made to the water supply system.

Recommended Tests

Start with a bacteria test. This is a test for Total coliform bacteria and E. coli bacteria.

You may also want a chemical test. Chemistry tests analyze water for the following: pH, Nitrates, Chloride, Sulfate, Flouride, Iron, Manganese and Lead.

How to Test for Bacteria

  1. Pick up a test kit from the GCHD office in Hermann or Owensville. The kit will contain: small plastic bottle, instructions for pulling the water sample, form, white shipping label and a white shipping box.
  2. Obtain the water sample according to directions in the kit.
  3. Bring the water sample and completed form to the Hermann office before 12:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. The DHSS Laboratory Courier will take the sample to the laboratory in Jefferson City, free of charge. The water sample must reach the laboratory within 30 hours of collection, so it is best to take the water sample in the morning and bring it to the Hermann office by 12:30 p.m. that same day.
  4. Test results will be mailed to you within one week. The test results are recorded as either ABSENT or PRESENT. If bacteria are present, instructions for disinfecting your well will be included in your report. There is a $10.00 fee payable to the laboratory upon completion of each test.

How to Test for Chemicals

  1. Pick up test kit at the GCHD office in Hermann or Owensville. The kit will contain: cubitainer, form, blue shipping label, brown shipping box. This is the form that must be filled out. The top portion will be filled out by the GCHD EPHS. The middle portion is to be filled out by the well owner.
  2. Collect the water sample according to directions in the kit.
  3. Bring the water sample and completed form to the Hermann office before 12:30 p.m., Monday – Friday. The DHSS Laboratory Courier will take the sample to the laboratory in Jefferson City, free of charge. The water sample must reach the laboratory within 30 hours of collection, so it is best to take the water sample in the morning and bring it to the Hermann office by 12:30 p.m. that same day.
  4. Test results will be mailed to you within one week.

Official Water Samples

In certain instances an official water sample may be required. Official water samples must be submitted to the MDHSS by the GCHD Environmental Public Health Specialist (EPHS). If an official sample is required for a real estate transaction, contact a Licensed On-Site Inspector/Evaluator.

DHSS Harmful Algal Blooms Resources
